Hello, I’m Peter, and I’m currently employed at a prominent German corporation, where I serve as an IT consultant. My primary areas of expertise revolve around DevOps and Cloud Operations, particularly through the utilization of Infrastructure-as-Code tools.

When I’m not on the professional battleground, you’ll find me honing my skills in the serene greens of golf courses or kicking on the soccer field. However, my true passion lies in managing and expanding my personal network infrastructure, both locally and in the cloud - a realm where I’ve traversed exclusively through the Linux server domain.

My journey with Linux began during my bachelor’s studies in telecommunication informatics when a peer encouraged me to adopt Linux on my personal devices. Since then, I’ve embraced the open-source software (OSS) community, constantly exploring and learning new aspects of technology. Although I’m not a natural-born programmer, I actively engage with code, primarily by examining and configuring existing software.

I dedicated my bachelor’s thesis to the intricate realm of Infrastructure-as-Code, specifically researching the feasibility of providing web services through a multi-cloud approach devoid of predefined standards at individual public cloud providers. You can delve into my work here, but please be aware that it’s available exclusively in German.

Committed to safeguarding privacy and data protection, I’ve embarked on a master’s program in cyber security. This academic pursuit aligns seamlessly with my practice of hosting self-managed services on my server.