Using Codeberg Pages to host my static website

Since the beginning of the year I transfer more and more of my projects to the platform Codeberg. is a Gitea alternative to GitHub with the legal form of a German non-profit association. Since then, I have also joined the association as a member. Today I want to talk about my website I was looking for a long time to be able to create a static website without much effort....

November 10, 2022 · 3 min

Create private Azure Container Registry accessible over multiple virtual networks with Terraform

Introduction Using an Azure Container Registry, you can upload and manage individual images of an OCI compliant client (for example, Docker). These can be private and customized images that can be used within Azure App Services or container instances. However, the goal should also be to make these container registry accessible only within the application context and prohibit access from the public network. However, there is usually the problem in the corporate context that only one container registry is used for several logical environments such as the development and the productive environment....

November 2, 2022 · 6 min